To Build a Run A run is a sequence of frames that are displayed one after another at a speed the builder sets. * Maximum number of runs for each moving cast member: 32 * Maximum number of frames for each run: 32 To start a new run, click the New Run button. Add frames to the run by clicking and dragging an image from the picture to the stage (the large box) that is above the picture in the animation control panel. The first picture is centered automatically for you. To add another frame just drag another image into the stage. To change the position of a frame in relation to the other frames click and drag the image in the stage to where you want it. To make fine adjustments use the nudge buttons. Frames can be inserted at any point in the run. Use the "<<<<" or >>>>" button to step backwards or forwards in a run to the frame you want to insert a new frame after. Then just drag the image you want to insert from the picture to the stage. To delete a frame from a run drag the frame from the stage to the trash icon in the animation control panel. To delete an entire run do the same as above except hold down the option key. Note - In order for a run to be used in real-time it must be placed on every path you want it to be able to appear on.